Brenda Poupard


Management: World
© Klara Beck

Her round, fervent mezzo
soprano is totally suited to the role 
which she seems to enrich

José Pons -
L'Enfant et les sortilèges - Opéra de Tours 2024

A member of the Opéra-Studio of the Opéra National du Rhin from 2021 to 2023, awarded as "Révélation Classique 2021" by the ADAMI and graduate with a Master's degree in singing from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Paris in 2019, Brenda Poupard has quickly made a name for herself, as much for her ease on stage as for her supple voice, which is guided by a solid singing technique.

In 2017 she was a laureate of the International French Melody Competition in Toulouse with pianist Jean-Michel Kim, then a member of the 2019 class of the Aix-en-Provence International Festival Singing Academy - she sang there under the direction of Raphaël Pichon and received advice from Edith Wiens and Marcelo Amaral- and she obtained in 2020 a 2nd Prize at the International Baroque Singing Competition in Froville and was laureate in 2022-2023 of the Orsay-Royaumont’s Lied and Melody Academy.

At the end of her studies, she performed a recital tour of French melody in Japan with Jean-Michel Kim, sang the role of the Nymph Iris (Coronis by Sebastián Durón) at the Théâtre de Caen and then at the Opéra de Limoges and Rouen with Vincent Dumestre's Poème Harmonique and participated with the same ensemble in the CD recordings of Lully's Cadmus et Hermione in the roles of L'Amour and Palès and Coronis ( Role of Iris).

She already sang the title-role of the Child (Ravel's L'Enfant et les sortilèges) with the Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine, Simotchka (Gilbert Amy's Le Premier Cercle) at the Opéra de Massy, Iris (Coronis) again at the Teatro Real of Madrid and then in the Opera-Studio of the Opera National du Rhin : Angelina in the French adaptation of Rossini’s Cenerentola, Orphée in Gluck’s Orphée and Eurydice adaptation, the Child (L’enfant et les sortilèges), Paquette (Candide) and the Cigogne (Howard Moody’s Les Rêveurs de la lune). In concerts, she sang with pianist Anne Louise Bourion at the Festival Les Musicales de Normandie, with the Poème Harmonique (program Danza ! ) and with Compagnie La Tempête (Monteverdi's Vespers).

For the 2023/2024 season : the title-role in L’Enfant et les sortilèges at the Operas of Avignon and Tours, Cherubino (Le Nozze di Figaro) at la Seine Musicale in Paris, Coronis in Oviedo, concerts with the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire and the release on the Klarthe label of her recording "Ivresse de l'Aube", with pianist Jean-Michel Kim.

Brenda Poupard has been represented by RSB Artists since 2019.

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2ème Prix du Concours international de Froville 20


Brenda Poupard 9