James S. Kahane


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21 September 2024
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
21 September 2024 19:30 - 21:00
First Ontario Concert Hall, Hamilton

7 December 2024
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
7 December 2024 00:00 - 00:00

8 December 2024
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
8 December 2024 00:00 - 00:00

3 March 2025
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
3 March 2025 00:00 - 00:00

3 May 2025
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
James S. Kahane dirige the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
3 May 2025 19:30 - 21:00
First Ontario Concert Hall, Hamilton
These events are given for your information. RSB Artists is not responsible in case of mistake in the informations.